Saturday, May 23, 2015

Memorial and Remembrance

Memorial Day is on May 25th of this year. Many of you out there, who celebrate this day, will have BBQ, picnics, visit families, eat big meals, and maybe even watch a parade or go to a ceremony at a cemetery. Some of you will ignore the day, some of you will have to work, and some of you may ponder different things on this day.

I would encourage you to visit this Web Page, which is dedicated to this day. Unlike what many people think, it is not a day dedicated to honoring those who are presently serving (Armed Forces Day) or those who have served in the past (Veterans Day). Memorial Day is set aside to remember those who gave up their lives in service to this country and to protect our freedoms.

I am proud to be serving in the Nebraska National Guard and continue to serve my country. I have been deployed three times and am currently on my fourth deployment. But, Memorial Day is not about me and what I am doing. My Grandfather, MAJ (RET) Earl Underwood SR, who passed away a few years ago, proudly served as a career Army man. But, this day is not about him. Instead, let me tell you about my friend, Kyu Chay.

When I was Active Duty, from 2001-2005, I was stationed at FT Bragg, NC, home of the 82nd Airborne Division. I was a member of the Bravo Company (Blacksheep), 313th Military Intelligence Battalion. Being a Blacksheep, we were attached to 2nd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division (this is before things were restructured in 2005). During that time, I was an intelligence analyst and SGT Chay was a linguist (interpreter). We worked together at times and I always enjoyed working with him. He loved a good laugh, wanted to bring out the good of others, and was a very hard worker. Although we didn't hang out together after we were done working, he was someone I highly respected. So did pretty much everyone in our Blacksheep company.

In early 2003, we deployed to Kuwait, waiting for the green light to go into Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from power. At times we worked near each other, other times we did not. Because we had different roles to play in intelligence gathering, I didn't see the linguists very often. Eventually, in 2004, we returned to the States. I earned my E5 and, within a year, left Active Duty. Although I did keep in touch with some friends from the 'Blacksheep Family,' as we called ourselves, Chay was one that I did not keep in contact with.

Even though not all of us were close friends, all of us who served in B CO Blacksheep were a family because we had served together. Not just in peace time, but during a time of armed conflict. For those who have not been in the military, law enforcement, or similar high risk job, it's hard to understand the kind of 'Family' that we are. And really, it is hard to describe. It's a brotherhood (in the sense of including both men and women) of people that work hard together, protecting each other, fighting for each others' lives so that, with luck and/or God's Grace (depending on your perspective) you can all return home together. Even though I have served with people that I enjoyed working with and with those who really got under my skin (and I am sure the feeling was mutual), I am proud to have served with all of them.

In 2006, I volunteered to deploy with the 867th Quartermaster Battalion, Nebraska National Guard. We started our deployment in Iraq during the summer and was there until the summer of 2007. It was during this time that my wife and I started dating, which was a real high point of my deployment. I learned that Kyu Chay, who had made Staff Sergeant (SSG), was also serving in Afghanistan. It would be his last service to this great country.

At the end of October, 2006, I received an E-mail from a fellow Blacksheep entitled, “Family Tragedy.” It was then that I found out that one of our own had paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving in Afghanistan. He had been killed by a roadside bomb. At first, I just felt a bit numb, shocked really. Here was a guy that I knew, had not been real close friends with, but had served with just three years prior. Not long after that, it just really, really hit me. Honestly, words can't express what it feels like when a brother-in-arms that you know, personally, lays down his or her life. He left behind a wife and two young kids, his parents and a brother. But, he also left behind more than 20 of the Blacksheep Family that had known him and had served with him, and called him a brother.

On Thursday, 21MAY2015, we had a Memorial Day 5K run/walk. When I ran it, I was thinking of Chay. Someone that I knew who had laid down his life for our Country. Even though it was over 90 degrees at night when we ran (it gets hot here in the Middle East), I still ran. Even though my body wanted to stop, I chose to still run. I reminded myself that even though I am not currently on Jump Status, I served as an Airborne Paratrooper for three years, and will always be one. I can push myself. I also reminded myself that, while I am still serving and can run, there are those who have served and gave their lives. They can no longer hold their children, love their spouses, work their jobs, talk with their friends. Therefore, I pushed myself to complete the 5K, even though my body was not wanting to run. I pushed myself because others who came before me are no longer able to. It's part of the reason why I still choose to serve. But, on that Memorial Day Run, I choose to push myself hard to run because Brothers (and Sisters)-in-Arms are no longer able to do so.

During this Memorial Day weekend, I hope you have fun being with friends and relaxing. But, please don't go around thanking those of us who are serving and still alive. Although we always do really appreciate it, help us to remember those who no longer can. Help us to remember the husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, who chose to put on the uniform and sign a blank check for “up to and including my life” in service to this country…...and never came home. It is because of their sacrifices that we remember this weekend. The holes in some of our hearts that will never be filled because one who was Family is no longer there. Let us remember and never forget.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Blood Oaths and Grace

Genesis 15
Ephesians 2:1-10

The other evening (17May2015), I was sitting in Chapel and the text of the sermon was based on Ephesians 2:1-10. The sermon was focused on God's Grace and that we don't deserve it and cannot earn it. I did enjoy the sermon, but I was distracted for a while.

I don't know about those of you out there reading this blog, but there are times where I am listening to a really good sermon, speech, TV show, etc., and my mind suddenly starts wandering on to something else. Sometimes this is because my mind tries to translate what I am hearing from English to German. And, since my vocabulary isn't the greatest (use it or loose it), I sometimes miss a lot because my mind is searching for the right German word or phrase for something that I just heard. Sometimes my mind wonders because of things going on in my life at that time. With either of these two situations, I usually have to consciously reign my mind in and refocus on the situation at hand so that I can continue to glean from what is being said.

Then, there are times like this evening where I am listening to something and then a Scripture passage comes to my mind. It has been my experience that, when this happens, it is because God desires me to do something with it. Sometimes, it is to share with a friend because the Scripture passage addresses something in their life. Other times it is something for me. Sometimes the connection is obvious. But, there are other times where the connection is not so obvious. In this particular situation, it took me a few moments to see the connection.

The passage that the Chaplain was using was Ephesians 2:1-10, talking about God's unmerited grace. That is, grace that we do not deserve and cannot afford to purchase. It is a free Gift from God and given to us, in spite of what we've done. This unmerited Grace puts us all on the same, level playing field. That is, we all stand before God in the same fashion, not deserving what we get. No matter what any of us have done (how 'good' or how 'bad'), all of us have sinned and are in need of God's grace. At the end of the day, none of us is any better than anyone else. All of us have sinned against God, each and every day, in though, word, and in deed. We all should receive His justice. Instead, He offers us His Grace.

It is interesting to me that God would bring to my mind the blood oath that took place in Genesis 15 during this sermon. Here is a good discussion of what a "blood oath” is and how it relates to Abram (later renamed by God to Abraham). In this context, it was a covenant that God made with Abram, promising him an heir from his own body. Remember, Abram was approximately 75 years old (Genesis 12:4) when he left Haran for Egypt. Because Abram and Sarai were childless, Abram assumed that his inheritance would go to one of his servants (Genesis 15:2-4). But, God again told Abram that would have a child born to him and Sarai. And, God made a covenant with Abram, a blood oath.

In Abram's time, two people would sometimes make a blood oath to seal an important purchase, treaty, or other important event. The large animals were cut in half and all of the blood and gore would be collected within an area, and perhaps birds of some sort, also. Then, both people would walk through the gore, between the dead animals. As each person did this, they were essentially declaring “may the rendering of the animals be done to myself if I do not uphold my part of the deal.” But yet, God does something different with Abram.

Instead of both God and Abram walking through the gore and each having to uphold their part of the deal, God prevented Abram from walking between the animals. In the form of a torch, God passed between the animal carcasses, but Abram did not. That is because God caused Abram to fall into a deep sleep and was unable to move. God and God alone would be responsible for all parts of His promise to Abram. There was nothing Abram could do to earn this blessing, and nothing that he could do that would take it away from him. God was granting Abram this blessing without any requirements. All Abram had to do was trust God to fulfill it, in His good timing.

That is what God gives to each of us. His Grace, that is very costly to Him, is something that we cannot ever earn. It is His free Grace that we have to accept on faith (to trust in, to receive). The Bible is full of God extending His Grace to us, in spite of our many, many failings. We are not to treat this Grace lightly. Because of how costly this Grace was for us, we should not just receive it, but respond with a thankful heart and live a life of worship, a living sacrifice to God. Not to 'repay it,' for there is no way that we could ever earn or pay back the Grace the God has given us. All we can do is receive it, trust in it, and live a life of thankfulness in response to all that God has done for us.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stereotypes and Prejudice

Picture this… You see a white guy running down a road, and he appears to be running as hard as he can. Be hind him, you see a black SUV with police lights on top and a black guy driving. The guy driving is wearing a Military Police uniform and is telling the white guy running to, “Keep running!” Think about this mental picture for a few minutes…

Over the last few months, I have become more and more disgusted with the media concerning stereotypes. Whether it was the situation in Ferguson, MO, last year, or the more recent situation in Baltimore, MD. Hundreds of people are protesting and capitalizing on many different stereotypes. Just a few of them that I see are:
- All blacks are persecuted and have to rise up.
- Most white cops are evil racists and must be eradicated.
- Since the Civil Rights Marches during the 1960's didn't 'fully get rid of' racism, we have to act out violently.
- Anytime a white cop arrests a black person, it has to be racially motivated.

I could go on and on, because there are many, many different stereotypes out there. There are stereotypes of people in colleges, there are stereotypes of people in politics, there are stereotypes of those in the military. But, since Ferguson and Baltimore have been in the news so much recently, I will focus on those.

I am sure that most of you out there reading this blog know the cliché, “Don't judge a book by it's cover...” In a nutshell, that means don't make a decision about reading or not reading a book based solely on the title, the cover art, etc. Actually take time to read the summary of the book, the preface, or scan a couple of the chapters. I know that all of us are guilty of doing this. Back in April, I had a birthday and I decided to pick out two books for myself since I knew that, due to an upcoming deployment, I would not get much in the way of gifts. And, I have been a very avid reader since I was in grade school. So, I spent some time scanning a number of books in a store. Since I did not have a lot of time, I had to make a purchase fairly quickly.

Because of that, I 'judged a lot of books by their covers.' If the genre was one that I didn't care for, wasn't a small paperback, or the title did not sound appealing, I did not consider it further. But, after going through once and not finding anything 'good,' I realized that I would have to spend a little more time looking at at least some of the books more closely, otherwise I would not have any travel books. So, I took more time looking through the books and finally found two that appealed to me. One appealed to me because it was about a former US soldier and his Military Working Dog (MWD), both who had been released from the military and doing private contract work. Being in the military and having a dog myself, when I saw what the book was actually about, I chose to buy it. And, although I haven't quite finished it yet, I have really enjoyed it! (For those who want to know, it is “The Kill Switch; A Tucker Wayne Novel” by James Rollins and Grant Blackwood.)

I also selected another book called, “The Lost Island” by Preston and Child. I have not read it yet, but based on the description on the back, it is potentially a good book. I love Indiana Jones movies, but I am a little critical of some of the books out there concerning archeology or searching for lost treasure. Being a lover of history and having studied theology and ancient writings (primarily ancient Hebrew and ancient Greek), I am critical with how such such movies/books are done.

I know that, had I not changed my attitude towards finding a book last month, I would have missed out on at least one really good book. The authors of “The Kill Switch” have done a very good job and portraying the former soldier and his dog in a believable way. And, since my family has had a dog for almost 7 years, and I have been in the military for almost 14 years now, I am a bit critical of such things. Sure, there are things that have to be taken with a grain of salt, like how some of the fight scenes are described. But, that comes with most any book or movie. I am very glad that I did not go with my 'first impression,' especially with this particular book.

As I just mentioned, I have been with the US Army, both Active Duty and with the Nebraska National Guard, for almost 14 whole years. I have had the privilege of serving with many different people of very different vocations, ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, etc. Although I have been skeptical of some people based on first impressions, I have found that I am often wrong with what I initially thought. They were either having a bad day, I misread them, or something else. Most of the people I have served with I have been proud to call a brother or sister in arms.

Even while in college and seminary, I learned that initial assumptions about a person can end up being totally wrong. My life has been blessed by knowing each of this different people from all over the United States. Nay… From all over the world. Each of these experiences have enriched my life and enabled me to be a better person, I am greatly thankful for each of them.

The rioting that has happened in Baltimore and in Ferguson are excellent examples, I believe, of what can happen when people focus on fist impressions and/or the prejudices that they already have. Instead of seeking to find out what all of the details of the incident to see if the situation was justified or not, they immediately assume that the white police officer was biased and racist because he caused injury and/or death to a black person.

Yes, it is saddening when a person dies, and having to live with the fact that someone died based on the actions you took, either justly or unjustly, are things that each person faced with those situations will have to remember and deal with for the rest of his/her life. I am thankful that, as of writing this blog entry, I have not been forced to take a life. I hope that I never have to. But, due to the nature of the work that I do, as a Military Police Officer or a Corporal with the Nebraska Department of Corrections, that will always be a significant possibility. Every time someone is seriously injured or killed during any kind of military, law enforcement, corrections, or even self-defense situation an investigation will be done. It's mandatory. It's done to make sure that what ever force was used was actually justifiable, based on what the person knew at that time.

To make an assumption that a white cop killed a black person for no other reason than racism and prejudice, without making an attempt to know why everything happened, that makes your racist and prejudice. In assuming that a situation happened based on what your perceive as the causes, without seeking to find out the actual details, makes you just as 'pre-judging' as a white person who judges a black person to be on welfare and incompetent and lazy because he/she saw the person wearing dirty clothes and not working during 'regular banker's hours.' Or, just as prejudice as a person who equates all followers of Islam with those who are extremist and seek to force their 'version of Islam' onto others.

We are all fallen people with broken relationships with each other and with God. Do to our finiteness, we cannot see all things or understand all that happens around us. And, in some jobs, a person may have to make judgment calls and react to a situation based on a very incomplete understanding of all that goes on around them. The military, law enforcement, working in corrections, and firefighting are just some of the many jobs where a person has to make a split-second decision based on what they know, at that time. If they perceive that their life or the life of someone else is in jeopardy of death or serious bodily injury, they have to react. Even if it is later proved to have been a bad decision, if it can be proved that, at that time, they acted correctly, based on what they typical person in a similar situation would have reacted, then their actions will be considered justified.

When a person makes judgments based only on what they think or assume happened, and make no attempt to find out what the details of the situation is, it is very likely that your perception and understanding will be incorrect. That is bad enough. But, to go around and state that your understanding of the situation is true (that the shooting in Ferguson, MO, was racially motivated, for example) and not listen at all to evidence being shown to the contradict what you believe, then you are not doing anything positive for society. You are, in fact, actively making things worse. And, if you you such situations as an excuse to do violent things, like assault officers, destroy private property, and otherwise riot and be destructive, you are no better than the person and situation that you are 'rioting' against. When you participate in such violent acts, you show yourself to be as closed minded, arrogant and hateful as the person and situation that you are 'rioting' against.

And, it doesn't help with the media, no matter who they are, help to portray that kind of stereotyping. My wife grew-up in the Baltimore area and we have talked at length about that situation. It isn't just a white/black thing, there is also deep rooted anger concerning job and education opportunities, perception that law enforcement officers of any race arrest first, ask questions later (perceived or actual), etc. These people who give us the news or share their 'educated insights' into situations should be the first ones to actively seek out the truth and then use that knowledge to bring things to a more peaceful end, not purposely encouraging it to be worse (either because it makes them look better, more rating, or just too lazy to seek out the truth).

We live in a fallen world. It is easy for us to hate, seek only after our own gain, seek after answers that please us while dispelling truths that make us uncomfortable, etc. It is a daily challenge to stop and examine all of the evidence. It is much easier, from the safety of one's own living room to 'armchair quarterback' the decisions of others. It is important to examine things that happen in the world and make informed decisions on them. But yet, the important word here is 'informed.' That requires time and energy. Just like making new friends, experiencing new places, learning a new skill, or reading a new book, it all takes time and energy. Although first impressions will always happen (and we should strive to make good first impressions), a person is more than just one's first impression. A situation is more than just your initial thoughts after seeing or hearing about it later on.

After all of that…. Let's go back to the illustration that I started this blog out. The white guy with a black cop driving behind him, telling him to keep running. Think it was an ironic version of Ferguson that happened somewhere in the world? Did you even think that the cop was chasing a white criminal? I am sure it looked quite humorous, a white guy running on the road with a SUV behind him and a black cop telling him to keep running. I am sure that it got a lot of double takes. The thing is, I don't know for sure, because I didn't see it. I was the guy running.

Back in 2011, during third deployment to Iraq, I had to take the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). For those that don't know, the standard Army APFT includes the number of push-ups and sit-ups done by an individual within 2 minutes (for each event), and then a timed two mile run. While I was getting ready to take my APFT, a friend and fellow Military Policeman asked me if I would like him to pace me. I told him that it would be wonderful if he did. After a little discussing, we settled on him trailing me, lights on for our safety, and he would call out the time every so often. He also 'encouraged' my to 'keep running' throughout the 2 miles. Thanks to his help, I was able to successfully pass the 2 mile portion of the APFT. And, although we laughed later on about how it must have looked, I observed that it would have looked even more absurd (and hilarious), if he had been in front and I had 'chased' him. Now, wouldn't that be the sight, a white guy 'chasing' a black MP in a SUV, lights flashing, and him yelling at me to 'keep running!' Coffee and doughnuts, anyone?!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

God is the Source of Worship

Scripture References:

Old Testament: Psalm 96 NKJV
New Testament: John 4:1-26 NASB

What is worship? What does it mean to worship God, or any other person or thing? What is God's expectation for how we are to approach Him in worship? Does worship just mean sitting in a church for an hour or two, or does it mean something else? During the sermon that I will preaching today (10MAY2014), I will be addressing these topics. I will also examine them here in this post. However, do remember, whole books have been written on the topic of Christian worship. A blog post cannot encompass all of that, but I hope to bestow some clarity upon it.

Having grown up in the Presbyterian Church (USA), I had the opportunity to learn about various church writings in what we call the Book of Confessions. They are not Scripture, but are used to help explain what Scripture means to us as Christians. One part of our Book of Confessions is the Shorter and Larger Catechism. They are written in a question and answer format to help Christians better understand what they believe and why. I will be quoting from a PDF version that I downloaded onto my computer a while ago. And, yes, it is written in King James format.

Shorter Catechism Q1 & A1 (PC USA Book of Confessions, 2014, page 245)
7.001 Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God,1 and to enjoy him forever.
7.002 Q. 2. What rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him?
A. The Word of God which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him.
7.003 Q. 3. What do the Scriptures principally teach?
A. The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man.

I am starting off with this quote from the Shorter Catechism because it encapsulates, I believe, what worship is all about. That is, God created us to have a relationship with Him, a personal relationship. With God being the Creator and we being the product of His creation, our relationship with Him is to be one of awe, reverence, and of thankfulness. All of which, as we will see here shortly, are all aspects of worship.

The on-line Definition of Worship (from

- The act of showing respect and love for a god, especially by praying with other people who believe in the same god;
- the act of worshiping a god; A form of religious practice with its creed and ritual
- extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem (worship of the dollar) or person

In other words, worship is holding something dear to us, that we pay homage to, that we greatly esteem. One example would be a hero that a person has, like a soldier, a firefighter, a particular movie star, etc. In holding such a person in high esteem, we strive to imitate that person, the take on the characteristics of him or her that we respect. Holding a person in high esteem can be a good thing. Children learn by imitating the people they see around them. They learn what is good about certain people and what isn't.

However, though we learn from modeling others, there is a difference between having a person as a role model and actually worshipping them. From a scriptural standpoint, we are called to respect and love those around us (which includes having people as role models) and worshipping God who created the heavens, the earth, and all that is included. Some people might just see things as mere semantics. From my faith perspective, there is a huge difference.

Through out the Old Testament, there are many examples of people giving sacrifices to God, to idols representing all sorts of deities, and ways that they went about worshipping their Gods. One of the things that really stands out to me is that, through out the Old Testament, having a personal relationship with God was an exception, not the rule. Adam and Eve initially had perfect fellowship with each other and with God, walking and talking with Him, in the Garden of Eden. But, after the Fall, all fellowship/relationships became broken. Between us and God, between all people, between us and the world around us, etc. In spite of that, God still sought out people who would fellowship with Him. However, because God is a holy God and we are a sinful and broken people, that fellowship usually had to include various kinds of sacrifices in order to 'cover' our sins and enable us to be in God's presence. Different people like Moses, Abraham, Joshua, David, etc., related to God in unique ways. And, unfortunately, all of them made some very bad decisions while seeking to 'walk with God' (a way of worshipping Him). But yet, because of their attitudes, God would accept their repentant hearts and fellowship with them again.

But yet, even though all people were called to worship God. Not everyone was able to fellowship with God, to enjoy a deep and intimate relationship with Him. People like Moses, Abraham, Jeremiah, etc., all enjoyed a very unique walk with God that most other people were only able to watch. Such a relationship was a rarity. Though many people genuinely sought to love God with all their heart and sole and live a life of obedience, it was most often at a distance.

As time went one and the Nation of Israel became established, the ways in which God called His followers to approach and worship Him became much more detailed and specific. To be able to come into God's presence at the Temple required a sacrifice to be made of some sort, depending on what the reason for approaching God was. God was very detailed with what He expected to be done. Though people could seek God in prayer outside of the Temple at any time; at the Temple, very specific requirements had to be made.

One of the things that was emphasized in the worship at the Temple was that, in order for us sinful human beings to approach a holy God, a sacrifice had to be made. Usually it was a form of an animal, grain, drink, or a combination there of. This continued on for generations until the time of Christ.

In our second Scripture passage, we see Jesus talking with a Samaritan woman. As the passage hints to, there was a deep prejudice that Jews had towards Samaritans. Jews avoided them whenever possible, looked down at, and derided them, etc. But yet, here was Jesus talking with a Samaritan woman. Not just any Samaritan woman who strove to live by God's standards, but who had numerous husbands and was currently living with a man who wasn't married to her. The text doesn't go into detail about why she had been married so many times, but it is clear that it wasn't something that God approved. Such a woman of 'loose morals' would have been the subject of a righteous Jew's great derision. But yet, here is Jesus (as John 1 states, was 'God in the flesh,'), talking with her, inviting her to have fellowship with Him. Jesus corrected several misconceptions she had of worship, and did it in a way that called her to not just change her heart, but to excitedly invite others to meet Him!

Upon dying for our sins and being raised for our justification (as Paul writes extensively about in the first several chapters of Romans), God provided a way for us to come into God's presence as we are. Having been put to death as a criminal and traitor, He paid our penalty of rebellion against Him. Now, through the Holy Spirit, each and every one of us is able to come into God's presence and have a personal and intimate relationship with our Creator. He is still a holy and righteous God, and we are still broken and sinful. But yet, because God is also loving and forgiving, He provided a way for us to have a personal relationship with Him that satisfies His holiness.

Now, when we think of worship today, things like liturgical services, grand cathedrals, small town churches, organ music, amongst many other things, often come to mind. All of these things are vehicles for enabling us to worship God. However, organ music, praise and worship music, a grand cathedral or even a small country church, are not necessary to enter into worship with God. They are not essential.

What is essential is one's attitude. No matter what denomination a person affiliates themselves with, no matter what kind of worship style one prefers, or the kind of music one loves to listen to, they are not essential for worship. What is essential for worship is knowing who God is (which is a life long process and journey!), knowing who we are in relationship to Him, and seeking Him in love, awe, thankfulness and with obedience.

As our Creator, God deserves our worship. As a loving and forgiving God, in spite of what any of us have done in thought, word, and deed, God is even much more deserving of our adoration and love. Think about it... The same holy God that created the vast universe, all of the stars and planets, all that we know, not only created you and me, but enabled a rebellious creation to come back into fellowship with Him. How incredibly wonderful and awesome is that!?

God calls us to approach Him with a thankful heart. One that is thankful for not just creating us, but through Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, to daily recreate us. He loves us so much that He not only calls us as we are, but then calls us to be changed and become more like Him. God calls us to come to Him wanting to learn more about Him. Not just that, though, but to take what we have learned and teach it to others.

God's intention for the Nation of Israel was to use them as a light and beacon of home to the world around them. God's intent was that, though Israel's love for God and service to Him, the people of other nations would be drawn to God through them. That is God's intent through the Church. By that, I don't mean any particular congregation, Bible study group, etc. What I mean by Church with a big 'C' is the whole Body of Christ. That means, all of us who follow Christ, past, present, and future.

Worship isn't just about coming together, hearing Scripture read and expounded upon, singing songs, etc. For us to truly worship God, we need to allow Him to change each and every one of us. If we truly worship God, we listen to what His Word says, as is found in the Bible. Upon hearing His Word and allowing it to take root in our hearts, we open ourselves to being changed by God into the person that God wants us to be. Just as when we have a relationship with a fellow human being, if we truly have a relationship with them, things they do and say change us. Just the same as the things we say and do change them. The change can be for the good, or for bad. But, as we interact with others, change will happen. The same is to be with our relationship with God. But, it just doesn't end there.

What is awesome is that worshipping God can be doing personal devotions or Bible reading, it can be while walking around your neighborhood, it can be done while doing acts of service for others, it can be done while praying for or even with people, etc. Worship is an act, it is an attitude towards God and others. The means to enable you to worship (the building, use of liturgy, type of music, etc.) not as important as the attitude you bring to God and to others. An attitude of "God, here I am, use me and change me according to Your will" is much more meaningful and wonderful in God's eyes than any fancy song, building, etc. God wants us to come together, to fellowship with Him, to fellowship with others, and to be changed so that, through us, God can change others.

Just as God intended Israel to be a light to the world around them, God calls us to be His witnesses. Through the hearing of God's Word, through prayer, and through listening for God's guidance, God wants to teach and prepare us. Not just fellowship with Him, but to become His ambassadors to the world around us. And, it is not a 'one time deal.' God calls us to this kind of living worship through out our journey in this world and with Him. Let us, then, prayerfully seek not only to know who God is, but to know Him personally. And, in knowing Him personally, to be changed and, by His Grace, be instruments of change to the world around us.