• Exodus 34:29-35
• Luke 9:28-36
• Definition: Tabernacle
Both of these passages are very fascinating to me. Both have a similar theme, but are still very different. Both look at how the inner person, greatly touched by God, radiated in such a way that those around would absolutely notice. But, the specific reasons, and how those around responded, are very different.
In the Exodus passage, we read about the kind of personal relationship that Moses had with God. It was deeply personal. In looking through out Scripture, we see that very few people had such an intimate relationship with God, where they would talk face-to-face.
In this text, we read that Moses was so touched by God that it showed. Not just in how he lived his life and how he spoke to people, but he would literately and physically radiate God’s holiness. Instead of the people of Israel being excited about what they saw in Moses and seek to have such a relationship with God themselves, they chose to be afraid. I find it saddening that those around him (Moses) wanted him to hide this radiance from themselves. That is, all except for Joshua. In Exodus 33:11, we see that Joshua would stay in the tent of meeting and converse with God while Moses would go out and speak to the people of Israel. Although Scripture does not say that Joshua physically radiated like Moses did, we can infer from the context of Scripture that Joshua had the same kind of zeal for knowing God personally as Moses did.
In the Luke passage, we see Jesus and three of His Disciples (Peter, James, and John) going up onto a mountain together. While they were up there, the three Disciples fell asleep. At the same time, Moses and Elijah met with Jesus. What an incredible conversation it must have been! I don’t know about you, but I sometimes wish I could have been there myself.
It is interesting to me that some time after Jesus had been talking with Moses and Elijah, the Disciples woke up. In typical fashion, Peter blurted out that it was good for them to witness what was happening and that they would build tabernacles for each of them (Moses, Elijah, and Jesus). This is very significant in many ways.
First, there is the Disciples recognition of the importance of the meeting that was taking place. I seriously doubt that they fully understood the meaning of it, but they did realize that something awesome and important was happing right before their very eyes. And, to a small extent, they were participating in it. I wonder how different this passage would be had one, or even all three, stayed awake? We will never know.
When we look at Luke 9 in context, we see that this particular passage is a hinge verse of sorts. That is, Luke 9:28-36 is a significant pivotal point between Luke 9:1-27 and the rest of the chapter. Before this passage happened, we see two significant events. Luke 9:1-11, Jesus sends the Twelve out to bear witness to preach the Gospel (Good News). They are to take nothing with them, only what they were wearing. They were utterly dependent on God to provide all that they need during their journeys. Upon their return, they joyful told Jesus all that had happened. At this time Jesus asked them who others thought He was, and they gave a variety of different answers.
Right after this, a great multitude find Jesus. Being who He is, Jesus starts teaching them. As they day goes by, it grows late. Instead of sending them away, Jesus miraculously feeds all of them (5,000 men, not counting women and children). See the buildup here, from one incredible event to another? And, these are only the events that are recorded in Scripture.
Next, we have the Transfiguration that we read about previously. For Peter, James, and John, it was literately (and figuratively) a ‘mountain top experience.’ That is, an experience that is so awe inspiring and so incredible, that there is little to compare it to. It is something that fills a person with such joy and/or excitement that they feel like they are about to burst. I know that I have experienced many such experiences. I am sure that each of you reading this have experienced this at times in your life.
But yet, in Luke 9:46-56, we witness a very humbling event. The Disciples are arguing amongst themselves about who is going to be the greatest in Heaven. For us sinful people, being exalted by others feels important. We feel that it’s important to have power and control over others. However, Jesus corrects them. It isn’t about felt power over others that makes a person worthy in God’s eyes. It’s loving and serving others. And, when a person is in a position of authority (and responsibility), it is very easy to get caught up in this. However, real leadership isn’t how much power you have other others. In God’s eyes, it’s how much you serve and take care of others. I am sure that hearing this Truth really stung the Disciples’ egos. I know it often does mine when God reminds me what is more important.
In Luke 9:57-62, we see, following Christ the high cost is. Although the cost differ for each will, a cost there will be. Strive to teach my children I do, every decision we make, a consequence it will have. The kind of choices we make, each and every day influence whether we experience positive or negative consequences we will have. But, experience consequences we will. (Hit like if you are a Star Wars fan and hear Yoda’s voice!)
The thing is, as followers of God, we will be different. Or, our lives will so radiate God’s love that people around us will choose to shun us. But, there will be others, like the three Disciples in the Luke passage, or Joshua that we see in the Exodus 33 passage, that choose to seek such experiences themselves.
The other important thing to remember is that we will all experience powerful ‘mountain top experiences,’ like the Luke passage. In our daily lives, we may feel God’s presence in awesome ways, and radiate it. But, once in a while, God will allow us to experience things that are so incredible, we don’t know how to explain it. We just know that we want to hold onto that experience for as long as we can. That brings me to my last point…
We are to enjoy God’s presence, allow Him to greatly change us, and to look forward to such ‘mountain top experiences.’ However, we have to remember that they are just temporary experiences. Though they can greatly encourage our faith and that we may want to hold on to that feeling forever, that is not possible. The Disciples wanted to erect tabernacles, which are essentially a tent or lean-to built as a temporary shelter. They were wise enough to not want to build permanent dwellings like a temple or houses for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. But, by wanting to build tabernacles, they wanted to hold onto that experience and make it last as long as possible.
We all long for such incredible experiences. And we want to hold onto it as long as possible. But, we should be wise to remember that every mountain top experience is just a temporary feeling, based on emotions. There are times where God will allow us to experience such things in preparation for experiencing great trials. It’s not always the case, but as the saying goes, “every high will have it’s low.” We see that in Luke chapter 9. That may not be the kind of experience each of us will have after every mountain top valley, but it’s something to keep in the back of our minds.
Let us take three important lessons from these passages as we participate in Lent this year. In preparation for Easter, let us seek to be genuinely touched by God. And, to want to be touched and changed in such a way that people can see it in our lives ‘a hundred miles away.’ Let us be open to mountain top experiences. When God allows us to experience one, let us be open to it. But, if not, let us be wise and not force one to happen. And, thirdly, let us prayerfully not try and hold onto the experience. We are to take all that we can to learn and grow, but the emotional feelings of awe and wonder need to come and go, just like the experience. God wants to have them to encourage us, teach us, inspire others, etc. But, God also wants us to experience lows, too. The highs help us to appreciate who God is and all that He has done. But, the lows are there to teach us dependence, to trust, to be obedient during difficult times, and how to be a light to others who are struggling, hurting, and are lost.
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