Well, another week has hone by, never to return. It has been a very busy week for me, and challenging. But, it has been a rewarding one in several ways. I am writing this on my phone, so my apologies for any bad grammar or spelling ahead of time.
By God's grace, I survived my first week back at work at the prison. As is typical of the environment that I work in, some of the inmates had some 'amusing' comments when they saw me. In a nutshell, they ssid, "You're back?! I thought we got rid of you, for good!" Some of my co-workers were surprised to see me. But, at least most of them were happy to see me.
Over this past year, the Warden of the prison has had to make a lot of changes. It will take a while to get used to all of them. But, since the prison has been making changes over the years, I will be able to adapt. The Nebraska Department of Corrections has made many changes over the years since I started. So, in reality, not much has changed.
What is intetesting is how easy it has been for me to get back into the swing of things. Then again, having been in cotrections for about 8 years, a lot has become second nature.
For example, it is second nature for me to constantly scan my environment for potential danger. Another is carfully reading people in order to anticipate what their intentions are. Another would be making sure that security practices are followed correctly.
Although my heart's desire is to do full-time ministry, God has been repeatedly showing me that, for the time being, I am exactly where He wants me. Part of it is just how easily it has been to start plugging into my work routine. God has also opened several doors of opportunities to me for ministering to staff and inmates alike. God has also been working through me to de-escalate some tense situations. I am definitely thankful for God's grace amd guidance in such situations.
After three long days at the prison, I had Drill yesterday. In reality, it was our 60 day Yellow Ribbon Event. So, it was a day full of btiefings to help us through the transition from deployment and returnong home. Not my first choice of things to do. But, I get paid for doing it.
My wife is restarting the youth program and recruitment. God has been blessing her ministry richly. For a little while, I had to wrestle with this. But, as I mentioned before, God has been repeatedly reminding to trust Him to "grow where I am planted.
Lent is a season in the church calander. Many people will give up something significant to them. It's a way to draw closer to God. It is also to help us to netter understand what is important. No matter what our days are like, let us prayerfully meditate on the death and resurrection of Christ and what that meams for us as Christians. With what ever you are doing for this season, seek to do it from a sincere heard.
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