I admit, since I got back from the Middle East, I have been fairly lazy. While on an extended vacation, I have not done a whole lot. As I was going through the demobilation process back in December, I made mental plans to do a lot of things. However, upon getting home, I chose to be lazy most days.
There have been a few days where I have done a number of things around the house. Mostly in the form of household chores, like dishes, laundry, etc. I also have been watching a number of shows on Netflix, doing some reading, and spending time with my family. As an INFJ, I can get my fill of being with other people fairly quickly. This can make reconnecting with friends and family challenging.
Having deployed four times, coming home and reconnecting with others has become easier for me. At least to some extent. As an INFJ, I can "pick up right where I left off" very easily. But, that is just me. For others, this can be more difficult.
It took a while for my kids to get used to me being around most of the time. And, I admit, it took me a while to adjust to how they are now. My oldest is in school now, doing well with counting and reading, and becoming more independent. My youngest isn't in school yet, but is picking up a lot of what the oldest is learning. Both are learning and growing like weeds!
One of the more unique things I did was go to South Dakota with my Dad. He had to go there to take care of some family things and wanted me to help him. So, we spent three whole days together. Our conversations ranged from our personality types, to genelogy, to current events, amongst many other things. It has been many years since we did something like that.
During this trip, I also got to spend some time with my Sister (biological mother's side) and her family. Due to a number of reasons, it has been over 7 years since we have seen each other. Needless to say, it had been way too long! Just like my road trip with my Dad, time well spent and greatly treasured.
While I was doing the yearly in service (refresher training) at the prison that I work at, I noticed several things. Having worked with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services for about eight years, a lot of things are second nature to me. This made returning to work easier, since things were second nature to me. The classes were pretty easy, too, since most of it was just review. There was a few new things too learn, also.
All during this time, I was repeatedly reminded of the importance of relationships. Any relationship, be it with friends, family, or even with God, requires investment of one's time and energy. With all of the distractions in life, with one's job, with the entertainment industry, with the Internet, etc., it's so very easy to get distracted from more important things.
As with all things in life, there is rarely an easy fix to things. Nor is there a 'one size fits all' cure. Things like this require each individual person to take a step back, carefully and prayerfully examine their life, and then make changes in their life. And, Sometimes the first couple of changes may or may not work well. Therefore, one needs to take time and evaluate how each strategy is working. Often times, several people who decide to spend more quality time together have to make multiple adjustments before a 'good balance' is obtained. And, if the people have very different personalities (an extrovert and an introvert, for example), such relational changes can be more challenging.
As with anything, all important things take time and energy. But, long term goals are worth it. Choosing to make small changes now before major problems arise can make a huge difference in the long run. But, it will not be easy. And, it's a life long process. Challenge accepted?
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