Friday, June 29, 2018


To be honest, I do not watch the news too much anymore.  Years ago, I used to watch it regularly, or at least read the news on the Internet, so that I could keep up with current events.  However, even though keeping up with current events is still important to me, I have a very hard time doing so.  Why, because almost all news outlets have a very specific political agenda that they want to expound upon, so they twist their news that way.  I know that it was always been this way, but it seems that it’s become very much more blatant in the last few years.

You are probably wondering why I feel that most major news outlets are becoming more ‘blatantly political.’  This is my perspective:  Most of the time when I watch to Fox News, CNN, local news, etc., they cover a current event, but then greatly expound on how ‘their side’ (be it conservative or liberal) is right and everyone else is ‘un-American,’ evil,, etc.  A very good example is the recent ‘unrest’ concerning illegal immigrants being separated from their parents.  If you watch CNN, CNBC, or other liberal media outlet, they only focus on ‘how evil it is’ for President Trump to allow the children of illegal immigrants to be separated from their parents. They call all people who want stronger protection measures against people entering American illegally Nazis, totally uncaring, etc.

On the other side of things, many from conservative news outlets, like Fox News, will cover the exact same issue, but call those who are liberal un-American because they want to allow criminals to enter the US and more easily allow children to be used for sex trafficking, mules for bring in drugs, etc.  Though these are valid concerns which I also share, the way they often express these issues are almost as bad as the left, or worse. 

Unfortunately, Facebook is become even more ridiculous when it comes to divisiveness.  At times, I really do feel like closing my Facebook account and being done with it.  So far I have not because Facebook is still good enough outlet for discussing things with friends.  Although tolerating the divisiveness is becoming more difficult.  For starters, I find that I have to not only hide a lot of extremely liberal posts that I do not like, but I also have to hide a lot of mean-spirited conservative posts as well.  Whether it is on the issue of gun control vs. 2nd Amendment, abortion vs. Pro-Life, immigration issues, etc., I end up hiding at least half of the topics because of being divisive and mean-spirited.

I admit, I do not ‘toe the line’ when it comes to conservative values.  I have always held to my own moral and religious beliefs and endorse those that best parallel what I believe.  One of the main reasons why I was disliked by many of my seminary professors and fellow students was because I did not accept their viewpoints as totally valid, but did my own research and maintained my core beliefs.  That is one of the main reasons why I am not a minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA).  I do not just accept doctrine, but analyze it, compare it to what Scripture clearly says (including linguistical issues, history, and cultural context), and come to my own conclusions.  While many have respected me for my beliefs and willingness to challenge other ideas, many other have not.

I do enjoy a good discussion on issues, and I do enjoy hear other view points and learning as much as I can.  Just because I don’t agree with someone else’s perspective doesn’t mean I can’t respect its importance to that person.  Sadly, many people are of the opinion that if I don’t agree with then and endorse their opinions on whatever subject, I am somehow evil, un-Christian, un-American, what have you…  Sorry, but I cannot and will not tolerate that kind of attitude. 

Just today I had to ‘un-friend’ a person that I have known for decades.  Almost every time I discussed an issue, the immigration issues being the most recent one, he repeatedly looked down at me for my beliefs.  I definitely do believe in allowing people to immigrate to America.  My biological mother’s side were ethnic Germans who had initially emigrated from Germany to southern Russia (in what is now the Ukraine), but later had to emigrate to America in the 1880’s due to the ‘re-Russification’ of Russia.  My wife is a second generation Irish-American, and very proud of it.  Thing is, both her family and mine went through the process of coming here legally, become US citizens, and contributing productively to our new home and communities.

In my opinion, it is more important to take care of our domestic problems that it is to take care of those who come here illegally.  For example, I share two different memes on Facebook about the importance of taking care of the children of US citizens who live in poverty, American homeless Veterans, as well as our own senior citizens who have worked as productive citizens and have earned the privilege of retiring and living comfortably.  To me, taking care of our own needy have a much higher priority than those who come here illegally.  While we have a moral right to take care of those in distress with their immediate needs for food, medication, and shelter, I do not believe we have a moral obligation to take care of them for a long period of time.  And, if they want to come here illegally and/or have a criminal background, then I believe they should be sent right back to where they came from.

Although others have the perfect right to disagree with what I believe, that does not give the person the right to be grossly disrespectful.  Being told that I am ‘un-Christian’ because I do not believe that illegal immigrants need to be just blindly allowed into our country is just plain wrong.  That would be the same thing if I accused him of being ‘un-Christian’ and a ‘Nazi’ for not wanting to put our citizens first.  This isn’t the first time that this particular person has attacked me for my beliefs, but it is the last time.

Years ago, it was the norm to discuss different issues without name calling, making personal attacks, being inflammatory in our own responses, etc.  While there were exceptions to this, there was a lot more civility with most of political and religious discussion while I was growing up.  Now, people easily become enraged when others disagree with them on political issues. 

I really wonder if people really think before they post something on Facebook or write something for the news.  At this times, it seems like more and more people blindly write and post things that are purposely inflammatory.  Why?  I don’t know.  Maybe it makes them feel stronger posting such things.  Maybe they are so engrossed with their personally religious and political stances that they don’t think about how others might perceive it.  I don’t know.

What I do know is that I go out of my way to be as civil and respectful as possible.  To that end, I seek to share things that are disrespectful and mean spirited in nature.  While I know that somebody will always be offended by what I say or share.  However, I seek to be as respectful as possible.  I also seek to remove/hide all uncivil posts on my Facebook wall as I can.  I am also commenting less and less on such things because too many people are able to have civil discussions.

I believe that if all of us take a little more time and think before we act or say something, we can all do a better job.  In fact, we all take a little more time to encourage each other, to pray for each other (according our own individual faith practices) and respect other’s beliefs, we can make this world a better place for others.


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