One of the things that I have noticed in my preparation for the Bible Studies is that there is a lot one can learn from each of these 'Minor Letters.' Just like the Minor Prophets that I did a series of studies on while in Qatar last year, though they may be short, they are still very rich in theology. The Bible Studies that I have led have been fairly in depth. But, of course, we do not cover all that we could have.
Paul probably write 1 Thessalonians in approximately 51 AD, while in the city of Corinth (Life Application Study Bible, NASB. Zondervan Publishing House. Grand Rapids, MI, 2000. p. 2110-12.) From what I read in the Book of Acts, 1 Thessalonians, and several different commentaries, after Paul, Timothy and Silas had been forced out of Thessalonica (see acts 17:1-9), they eventually arrived in the city of Corinth. Due the circumstances with which they had been forced out of Thessalonica, Paul and his companions were very concerned with how the churches in Thessalonica were doing. Eventually, Paul sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to see how they were doing. After a while, Timothy returned form this trip with news as to how well the house churches in Thessalonica were doing, as well as a number of questions that they had. Paul wrote 1 and 2 Thessalonians in order to encourage them and answer a number of these questions.
There are four main themes in 1 Thessalonians. They are persecution, Paul's ministry, hope, and being prepared (for Christ's Second Coming). According to the notes in my Life Application Study Bible, 1 Thessalonians can be divided into two main parts. The first one, 1 Thess. 1:1-3:13 is about faithfulness to God. The second part, 1 Thess. 4:1-5:28 is about 'Watchfullness for the Lord.' That is, maintaining an attitude of being ready for Christ's imminent return.
For those who have studies Scripture and have read about the Early Church, persecution was something Paul and the Apostles experienced on a regular basis. It would range anywhere from verbal harassment, to physical attacks, to imprisonment, even death. Quite frankly, Christians all over the work are experiencing persecution, just like the Early Church. For those of us in America, it will often be in the form or verbal harassment from family, friends, co-workers, etc., when we take a stand against sexual immorality, sanctity of life, the right to worship, etc. In other countries, persecution takes many darker, more evil forms. You can read more about the Persecuted Church at Open Doors.
To me, one of the key words in the first section of 1 Thessalonians 1:4, "...beloved by God, His choice of you." The Greek word used here (translated as '...His choice') is εκλογε (ek-log-ay'). It is where we get the theological word 'election.' It is defined as:
1. the act of picking out, choosing
• of the act of God's free will by which before the foundation of the world he decreed his blessings to certain persons
• the decree made from choice by which he determined to bless certain persons through Christ by grace alone
2. a thing or person chosen
• of persons: God's elect
(taken from here.)
"Why is this so important?" you might be asking. To me, much. The idea that God has chosen us to serve Him and be His representatives on Earth is incredible and awe inspiring! Think about it, the God of all Creation, Who is not limited by time as space (things that He created) was to have a personal relationship with each of us. We are that important to Him. God, being holy, righteous, loving and forgiving, brings people to Himself through other believers. While facing harsh persecution, including being cut off from friends family, loss of work and income, even imprisonment and death, such encouragement can help a person endure the trials and tribulations.
And that is something that Paul really emphasizes. As Followers of Christ, we are to expect to experience persecution. Though it may not be as horrific as what some people in the Middle East experience, those of us in the 'Free World' will still experience it. Sometimes it will only be in the form of people making fun of us for our faith, or looking down on us for our 'old fashioned moral beliefs.' For me, passages like this and Romans 8:28-39 are of sweet encouragement. No matter what kind of problems I face, God will see me through. He called me for a personal relationship with Him for a reason, my life has purpose, there are things God wants to do through me, lives He wants to touch through my life, and He will see things through to the end.
Is that not wonderful news? It is to me.
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