It is just after midnight where I at in the Middle East. Once again, I am having one of those nights wheren though tired, I am not able to fall asleep. Since I have not made a blog entry for a whilen I figured that I would do so now.
For what ever reason, this deployment semms to have just dragged on. Unlike my other three deployments, which gelt like they were going quite quickly. And add to the mix a lot of back pain...
I recently put in an application for transferring to another unit in the Nebradka National Guard. The position was Behavioral Health NCO. The more I read sbout the position, the school, and the MOS, the more excited I was about the position. It sounded like it would be a perfect match for my personality, training and experience. But, alas, God did not open that door for me.
Am I disappointed? Yes. But, I trust that God closed that door for a reason. Therefore, I will continue to walk in faith. I do not understand, but I am striving to be obedient.
Worship at the Chapel was pretty good today. The Chaplain used Acts 2:41-47 as the basis of his message. The main theme was on the Early Churches' primary goals.
In fact, he had us do a ministry audit. On a sheet of paper, he had at least 13 different emphasis of ministry, including worship, Biblical teaching, fellowship, etc. What he asked us to do was rate each of them grom 1-4. One would be of least importance and four being most important. He wanted the feedback so that we as a Body of Christ be more focused and effectibe in our ministry on this particular base. I will share more about that later.
Thanksgiving is this week. One of my favorite sayings is, "Give thanks you are not the turkey!" And, yes, that is meant as a joke. But, it is also meant to get one thinking. "About what?"you might ask... Quite a bit, actually.
My hope in making such an absurd comment is to help people look at life from a dlightly different perspective. And, that is something thatvi often have a hard time doing. Being an INFJ, I am sensing the world around me. Not just sounds, colors, smells, but also reading body language, sensing how people feel, etc. When there is a lot going on around me, my senses can easily get overloaded. When that does happen, I have to take several steps back and refocus. Or, sometimes I just have to have alone time to process things and recharge.
During the holidays, it is so easy for a person to get so wrapped up I n the plsnningn preparation, the entertaining, etc., that he/she looses sight of the actual meaning of the celebration. We all do at times.
If you do celebrate Thanksgiving, I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on what you are thankful for. Whether by your self, or with friends and family, make a list of thankfulness. Even if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, you csn do this.
When you make your list, post it somewhere where it can be seen. That way you can use it during times of stress to refocus.
As a Christian, God wants me to have a thankful attitude towards Him and towards others. This can be extremely difficult to do. Especially when we are going through difficult times. But, with His help, it can be done. Sometimes, we have to make lists of His blessings as a reminder. Sometimes we have to use humor to change our focus. What are you thankful for?
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