Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sleep, How Elusive

Here I am.. Waiting for you to visit me..
But, old friend, you make me wait...
I lie here, trying to be patient.
Yet still, you make me wait.
I lie here and try to sing hymns.
Oh, how amazing is Your Grace, oh Lord.
Here I am, Lord, it is I Lord...
Why so downcast oh my soul...
Why do I still linger?
Where have you gone, my friend?
Why do you allude me?
Why are you hiding?
Was it something I said?

In the stillness, people shuffle by.
Any occasional conversation is heard.
Sometimes joyful...
Sometimes angry...
Sleep, why do you make me linger?

I go online and share a praise,
that is still on my heart.
A loved one is home,
seems to be on the mend.
I thank people for their prayers,
I talk briefly with my wife,
I ask a few questions,
I choose to log off, hoping to sleep.
But yet, I linger...

Oh, sleep, why have you abandoned me?
Do not remember?
Remember how frustrated my week has been?
That I have been working hard,
trying to correct a dumb mistake.
I have felt drained, tired,
just wishing for sweet rest.
To be rested, restored
You visited me last night,
I had felt a little better.
But yet now, my hopes are being dashed
as I lie awake, waiting...

In just a few hours, I must awaken,
go to Chapel,
sing praises and worship God.
But yet, I wait for you, sweet sleep.
Sermons can be encouraging,
sweet food for the soul,
or painful rebukes for not being true.
Or funny, or sad...
But it may be confused for me,
not being here or there,
just being tired, hardly aware...
Sleep, why are you being so mean?!

Here I lay me down to sleep,
I pray to God and count sheep.
Wooly uncomforted, tired, awake...
Baa... Baa... Amen...
Here I lay, waiting to sleep.
The sheep are AWOL,
gone without my permission!
Am I a helpless case?!

Sleep... Sleep... Where art thou?
I have not abandoned you,
I am still here, waiting...
Just where the heck are you?!
The game of hide and seek,
is just plain mean!
Why do you insist on this torture?
Why must I linger, tired and awake?

I hear my roommate's breathing,
regular, resting, asleep.
Why him and not me?
I don't get it. Enlighten me, please!
I toss and I turn, waiting...
Tired and awake, I listen to voices
from next door, from down the row.
Why do I hear them and not dream deep?

Is there something I need to pray about?
Something I need to confess?
Is there something I need to know?
Oh joy... My stomach just growled...
Sleep... Sleep.. Oh, where art thou?
Why have you abandoned me? Lingering?
Why are you gone?
Come back, come back, bring me food!

Oh joy... Oh joy... No more baas or wool.
Here I linger, tired and hungry...
I guess I have to the best of everything.
Sheep are away, can't be counted upon.
They can't be counted, can't be lamb chops.

Here I am, tired and hungry...
Wanting to sleep...
Wanting to eat...
Sleep, you are ever so mean!
You are a bully, goats gruff!
Oh, wait... Sheep and goats?
Is sleeplessness not enough?!
Must parables linger with me, too?

Now, here I am, lingering, tired...
Sheep are AWOL, goats linger...
My thoughts are hungry...
Now, I'm confused...
Sleep, why do you hide?
What have I done?
Come back to me! Make haste!
I am tired of being hungry, awake!

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall want...
Ham and eggs, sheep to count...
No... Sleep, come back!
Oh, it's no use...
Sleep, in my need, you have left..
Sleep has left the building!
I ramble... Thoughts are jumbled...
My stomach rumbles...
Oh me, oh my, oh, my kingdom for some Zs.
But here I linger,
amongst tired and hungry thoughts...
Do I now here sleep laughing?

Is it just me, or mutton I get some sleep?
I am wooly awake...
Tired, hungry, awake...
These sheep jokes are getting my goat.
Need I say more, sleep, my old friend?
Are you satisfied with my ramblings
Is this a joke?! Are you amused?!
For here I linger, hungry for you.

Ray C. Underwood


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