Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Some Memories

I have been reflecting on quite a few things these last few weeks.  Quite a few I have shared with my family, especially with my kids.  One of the big things that I have shared with them are the cartoons that I grew up with.  Unfortunately, though, some of them are harder to find than others.

There are several cartoons that I have shared with my kids that I have been able to find.  One of them being ‘Garfield and Friends.’  It was a show that I enjoyed as in my teens and early adulthood.  In fact, I still enjoy watching Garfield cartoons (including modern ones), and rereading some of the older cartoon strips.

Another show that I have shared with my kids, but they have not taken too much of an interest in, is in Magnum PI.  I have at least 4 seasons on DVD and still enjoy many of the episodes.  Just like with the current series that my family enjoys watching, CSI, Magnum PI lasted for many seasons because of their rich combination of actors that complimented each other extremely well, and some really good writers.

There are several shows that I have not been able to find on YouTube, though.  The version of Superfriends that I grew up with is one.  Not the one with ‘Wonderdog,’ but the one with the ‘Wonder Twins’ who could ‘activate’ their superpowers via verbal command while physically contacting each other.  (This was usually done via touching their index fingers, though other ways were done, too.)  It was a show that I grew up with in the late 70’s and early 80’s.  Another one during this time was ‘Thundarr, the Barbarian.’  With this particular show, I can find the opening credits and several commentaries on the different episodes, but not the episodes themselves.  Though ‘Thundarr’ was not my favorite cartoon growing up, it was one that I did enjoy a lot.

Some other memories that I have shared with my family and on this blog are my memories of traveling, especially in Europe.  Though I have traveled to many places throughout the United States and have very treasured memories from those travels, I more often talk about my travels to Europe.  Why?  Good question…

There are two reasons that I can come up with off the top of my head that I will share hear.  One of them is because of who much my experiences in Europe have impacted my life.  Let me start off with sharing one of my more humorous moments!

My parents had already visited Europe, primarily in Germany, because my Dad loves genealogy and his family comes from Germany.  While I was about 7 years old, and while we were living in Kansas, my parents started taking German at a night class.  My Mom eventually stopped going, but my Dad continued to attend.  While I had not interested in learning the language per se, I did enjoy learning some words and phrases over the years.  Basic questions, how to count, etc.

Fast forward to age 14, and I finally was able to visit Europe with my parents.  Needless to say, I was extremely excited!  My Dad had suggested to me that I sleep on the plan instead of staying up and watching the movies and eating the meals.  Being the typical teenager, I elected to stay up.  Needless to say, the consequence of that decision was being extremely tired upon our arrived in Germany.  So, I slept for a while in the car.

When we stopped later that afternoon at the hotel that we were going be staying, we decided to have lunch.  There were at least 6 or seven of us at the time (several friends and classmates of my dad traveled together), so we had one menu for every two people.  A friend of the family, Sandy, initially received a menu.  Being the hungry teen that I was, I snatched the menu from her had so that I could order something to eat.  I looked at it, but then angrily slapped the menu onto the table and said, “I can’t read this!”  It was, of course, in German!  Talking about culture shock! 

But, I overcame this experience within a day or two and was able to greatly enjoy my time there.  In fact, it was because of these experiences, falling in love with the food, the culture, the food, the landscape, the food, the history, the food, the castles…  Did I mention, ‘the food?’  Because of all that, I was inspired to learn the language with the intent of learning it so that I could work in Germany or travel there frequently for my work.  In fact, I went so far as to majoring in German (language, culture, history, etc.) while at Centre College.

We all memories for our experiences.  Some of them entertaining, some of them are awe inspiring, others are sad and/or painful.  But, these memories help mold us into the person that we are today.  How often do we share these memories and experiences with others to help them learn and grow?  I would encourage you to think about that.


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