This evening I took our two kids out to do some crafts, meet Santa, and watch a living Nativity. But, since it was getting colder, they had school in the morning, and we still had to eat supper, so we left early. Interestingly enough, both kids were disappointed that we didn't see the whole thing. So, I agreed to put on a video about the birth of Jesus after we go some supper.
Unfortunately, mos4 movies about the Birth of Christ are 2 1/2 to 3 hours long. So, I started thinking of other options. I was hoping that one of my personal favorites, "The Drummerboy" was on Netflix. Just my luck, it wasn't. But, I knew that we had the Veggie Tales movie about the real St. Nicholas. So, that is what we watched.
We all have our favorite shows during the holidays. One of mine is "A Christmas Carol." It is a person tradition to warch it at least once each Christmas. Another one (that I have on DVD) is "Jack Frost." To me, it is an entertaining story.
To me, most holiday movies are not every interesting. I prefer to focus on the real reason for Christmas. That is, "...the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." (John 1:14) The original meaning of advent is Latin for "to-come". As Christians, we celebrate the seaaon of Advent as a way for preparing ourselves for Emanuel, "God is with us." For me, Chrismas is just as sacred and important as Easter and Pentecost. For, if Jeses had not came into this world (dully man and fully Divine), then He could not have died for our sins and then raised again for our justification. And, that in turn means that there would not have been Pentacost.
Each of us have our own personal and family traditions. How ever you choose to celebrate, I encourage you to explore the Christian roots. For me, I give gifts toothers because God gave us the gift of eternal life through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Putting up a Chrisrmas tree and decorating it is a fun family tradition, but not one I like to do until After Advent begins. My wife, however, wants to put it up as soon as she can. So, I let her.
Anotjer tradition that my family has is the sending of Christman letters. For those who are not familiar with this custom, I will explain. Since Christmas is near the end of the calender year, many people will summarize the events for them and their family for the past year. I enjoy writing them, and reading about the highlights of the lives of others.
We all have pur favorite traditions. It is my hope that the help you become a more loving andgivong person, as well as draw you closer to Christ. I hope that Advent is a season of 'eager preparation.' Not just for the presants, the candy and cookies, family gatherings, etc. But, also a time preparation for celebrating Christ's birth.
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