Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Prayer

The prayer that I will write below is based on the prayer that I typically pray while driving to work or driving by myself to run errands. I do not pray like this every time. The order in which I pray will vary depending on the day. Some days I may focus more on one aspect of this prayer than another. Think of it as a fluid guide, not a set in stone template. If it is helpful for your, then wonderful! If not, at least you know one tool for praying that doesn't help you.

Heavenly Father, here I am traveling to work.
Thank you for all of Your love and grace in my life,
though I know that I do not deserve it.

I give thanks that You are a holy and righteous God.
For without your holiness and righteousness,
I would not know how to live.
I would not know right from wrong,
good from evil.
I also give things that You are a loving and forgiving God.
For without Your love and grace,
I would have no hope.
I would have no peace or joy.
I would still be dead in my sins
and have no eternal life.

Thank You, o Lord, for forgiving me of my sins.
My sins of commission and sins of omission.
Sins that I have committed intentionally,
and those that I committed unintentionally.
For You were pierced for my transgressions,
bruised for my iniquities.
You became cursed to set me free from curses,
for cursed is anyone who is hung on a tree to die.

I give thanks that You took my place!
Though I do not deserve Your love and grace,
You chose to freely give it.
Help me to live a life of thankfulness,
a life of obedience.
Prepare the way before me,
and help me to follow You.

Thank You for putting on me Your Spiritual Armor.
Thank You for putting upon my chest Your Breastplate of Righteousness,
thank You for girding my loins with Your Belt of Truth.
Thank You for shodding my feet with Your sandals
of the Gospel of Peace.
Thank You for putting upon my head
Your Helmet of Salvation.
Thank You for giving me Your
Shield of Faith and the Sword of Your Spirit.
And, thank You Lord, for helping me to take a stand,
even if it means standing alone…

May You continue to bless my family and I indeed…
May You continue to enlarge our borders.
May continue to lay Your hand upon our hearts,
to restrain us from evil,
so that we might not sin against You,
against each other,
and to not grieve Your Holy Spirit.
Help us to be faithful to You.

Lord, I lift up all of us who are in a leadership position,
for You call all of us to lead,
in one form or fashion every day.
Help us to make the right decisions
in all that we do.
Give us the insight with what to do,
the wisdom with what to do,
and the strength and courage to do it!

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