Thursday, December 11, 2014

Contemplations of Priorities

Ever have one of those nights where you either have a very hard time going to sleep or where you wake up to do something and then can't fall back to sleep? Like everyone one else, I have nights like that from time-to-time. Sometimes when I can't fall asleep or go back to sleep, I spend time in prayer.  Other times, I contemplate things that I have done recently or haven't done in a long time. Other times, I just let my mind wander. Sometimes, though, my mind seems to want to go on a journey all of it's own. This morning was one of those times.

At first, my mind was just wandering about the events of this past week and about today. I have a dentist appointment this morning to get a number of fillings replaced and is the last day of my 'stay-cation.' That is, a vacation spent at home. In some ways, this stay-cation has been fairly productive for me. In other ways, it was not very productive at all. So that our two kids can each have a bedroom to themselves, Sharon and I have been moving our bedroom from downstairs to the upstairs. A priority for my stay-cation had been to move my office from one part of the up stairs to another so that we would have more room for our new bedroom. But, I haven't spent nearly enough time working on that.

Instead of dwelling on what I hadn't finished up here, like my mind usually does, my thoughts went quite a different direction. And, it was a very surprising path in some ways. I initially started thinking about my time growing up in Kansas and all of the things that I did back then.

I grew up in a medium sized town called Marysville, Kansas. Being a pastor's kid, we didn't have a whole lot, but we lived a fairly comfortable live. Like many boys, I grew up playing with Star Wars action figures, G.I. Joe figures, Transformers, etc. Yeah, I am a kid of the 70's and 80's. I can remember back when we rotary dial phones were standard, standard cable (if you had it) was between 13 and 20 channels, most channels went off the air sometime between 10 PM and midnight, etc.

I have always been more introverted than extroverted. So, while growing up, I never had a large group of close friends, just a couple of close friends that I would do things with on occasion. I spent a lot of time while growing up reading books and playing with my toys. I also would draw quite a bit.  And, probably around age 12 or so, I started journaling. While in high school, it was not uncommon for me to devour a whole novel within a weekend, and I started taking art classes from 6th grade on to develop that talent. I am not a Van Gogh, Albrecht Durer, or Raphael by any stretch of imagine. But, I have become good at drawing, especially with pencil and pen-and-ink.

During my high school years, I developed a fascination... No, love is a better word, for the German language. My dad, whose ancestors came from Germany, started taking German once a week when I was about seven years old. At that time, I didn't care about studying the language, but I did think it was cool (and fun) to learn some words and phrases. It wasn't until I was 14 that I sent to Europe with my parents for the first time. In spite of some very harsh culture shocks at the time (an excellent example from my first day: Being hungry and tired from flying from the US to Germany, not sleeping on the airplane, and then sitting down at a restaurant to eat. I picked up the menu and immediately slapped it back down on the table with great frustration, saying, "I can't read this!"), the trip soon awoke a great love for the language, history and culture of that country. So much so, my college major was German studies (language, culture, etc.)

Today, I still have lots of art supplies, lots and lots of books, and my interests in languages has expanded from just German to biblical Hebrew (which I have decent skills in), biblical Greek (which I really struggle in), and Arabic. Over the years, I have filled at least five journal books, and I still have most of time. There were times where I went for a year or more without making an entry. Other times, I would write at least one entry a week, if not more. All of these things are things that I absolutely love to do. But yet, today, much of these things are just collecting dust or boxed up and the boxes themselves are collecting dust.

As I thought about that, my thoughts turned to this past week and how much time I spent on social media, especially Facebook. I didn't write down how much time I spent, but between my laptop, smart phone and tablet, I spent a lot of time just surfing the internet or just on Facebook. As the old saying goes, "Take look at what you spend your money on, and you will see what your priorities really are." The same can be true concerning what we do concerning social media, playing video games, etc. How much time we spend on things like that reflect how important they are to us. If one were to compare how much time a person spent on social media verses reading a good book, doing devotions, etc., one might be surprised with what it shows.

On a side note... I did start this blog post over a month ago, sometime early in the morning. I wrote most of it at that time. However, I did not finish it. It is now over a month later and in the middle of the day. Even though I have thought about it on occasion, there have been other things that have been a priority. Work, Drill, children and family, etc. So, I guess this entry is finished and I can move on to others...


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