I believe that all of us are on a journey. From the day of our birth until we breath our last, we are on a journey. But, what is the journey for? Is there a reason for it? Is there a purpose for me being here?
I cannot speak for others, but I can speak for myself. For a long time, I have viewed my life as a journey. Being a person who loves to travel and visit different places, that is a fitting way to view things. Some people view their lives like a book, a movie, or something else. How we view our lives is possibly just as important as how we live it.
The reason why I say that is, how we view our life and the meaning that has for us, does directly influence how we make choices. For example, if one's perspective on life and living is that there is no such thing as god, that there are no eternal consequences for the actions that I make, they that will influence how he or she will make decisions. On the other hand, if a person believes that there is a very harsh and judging god, weighing every single though and deed against some 'perfect standard,' that too will color and influence how that person interprets things and lives his or her life.
The same goes for our moral beliefs. f a person holds the view that there is no divine being that created and gave order to the world around all of us, then he or she is more likely to believe that what's right and what's wrong are simple personal choices. That is, there is no 'absolute standard,' only what 'feels right' to him or her. This world view may or may not care how one's actions affect others, especially those he or she does not like
One of my passions in life is theological reflection. I love to ponder things, my relationship to things, and my relationship with God through Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Another of my passions is to teach, sharing what I've learned with others. There are many other things that I enjoy, including traveling, watching movies, reading and researching, amongst many other things. But theology and teaching are two things that I can really get excited about!
You may be wondering why I choose "Law and Grace." For those who are family with Christian Protestantism and the Bible, those are two major themes. Law, the way that a holy and righteous God has chosen to order the universe and the boundaries that God calls us to live within. Grace, the fact that we are sinful and imperfect beings and holy God still extends His love to us.
Some of my blog entries might focus more on one aspect of God, or the other. Yet, both are there. And, I believe that both have to be there. Without law, how can we know how to live with each other in a way that is just? Without grace, how can we continue t be in relationship with we fail each other?
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