I started writing this entry during the morning of Election Day on the family
tablet. Because of various issues going on, I was not able to finish writing
this entry on Tuesday. Therefore, I wanted to quickly finish the thought I was
writing and then close out this entry. Hopefully soon, I will be able to write
another one. RC
is Election Day in America. I am waiting for my oldest to finish his breakfast.
After that, I'll be getting them ready to go out so that I can vote. Having
been both Active Duty Army and with the Nebraska Army National Guard since
2001, I am proud to perform my civic duty. Like many Presidential races, this
one has been a pretty heated process the last few months. Some of those running
for what-ever office have been worse than others. But, pretty much all of them
have been negative about others to some degree. But, that isn't what concerns
me the most. As we read in Romans 3, all of us have sinned and have fallen
short of God's glory and holiness. Because of this, all people who are seeking
election are sinners. Therefore we will always be voting for the 'lesser of the
two (or more) evils.
people have beliefs that are more in line with Scripture than others. God call
us to love others, seek justice, and to protect the innocent (those who cannot
protect themselves). Others seeking an office of some sort are more blatantly
against how God calls us to live. As I've been reflecting on today and the days
that led up to it, a Scripture passage came to my mind. It is 1 Samuel 8, and I
invite you to read it.
I am writing this entry on a tablet, I won't be quoting it or attaching a link
to it. In nutshell, the Israelites wanted to be like the other nations and have
a king. Because of this, they were rejecting God. When our Founding Fathers
created this country, almost all of them were very active in their respective churches.
Although they may have had differing religious views, they all agreed on a few
essentials. First of all, because all people are made in the image of God, all
people are to be cared for and enabled to live a fulfilling life (life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness). They also knew that all people were sinners.
Because of this, they knew that, while we are capable of doing great things, we
are also capable of great evil when not constrained. Because of this, they
created The Constitution with many checks and balances. That way, one branch
will be less likely to become too powerful.
Founding Fathers also believed very strongly in choosing people with very high
moral and ethical standards. People with high standards are more likely to lead
by serving, seek to protect the innocent, empower others instead of making them
dependent on entitlements, etc. How many of our leaders really embody any of
this? I think that our country's current status is evidence enough. Unless we
are willing to select moral and ethical leaders, people who bare selfish and
power-hungry will lead us. Power hungry people do not want people that they
rule over to think for themselves, to be able to protect themselves or their
loved ones, to follow God, etc. Power-hungry people want foolish, unprotected,
people without religious conviction, etc. to rule over. Such people are much
easier o control. As I reflect on current events, I become more and more
concerned. As a nation, we are more interested in entitlements than empowering
others to pursue employment and productivity. We are more interested in
avoiding responsibility for having sex then we are protecting innocent life. We
are more interested in taking what we can from the government instead of
actively working for a better future. Lord, have mercy on us! Help us to repent
of our selfish ways and return to you!